Sunday, September 29, 2013

Natural History Museum

Went over to the Natural History Museum last weekend
It was outstanding. Again, free. Great exhibits, as long as you can get past all the kids. C'mon, get out my way. Science isn't for kids. Go do your homework. I digress. Even more impressive than the exhibits is the building itself, the Waterhouse Building 1881.

Charles Darwin
Mo with the first dinosaur
Jon on an escalator to the space exhibit
The great hall

Hipster food blogging

I know, it's very hipster to take pictures of food that you've ordered and blog about it. And as we also know, I'm anything but hipster. But, here's the thing. It's Funded Friday, so I'm pretty excited about eating out.

Paycheck come once a month here, last Friday of the month. So, with our new found wealth we painted the town. #1 Full English breakfast, complete with Black Pudding and beans. #2 Octoberfest Sausage and Cider fest at the pub with a sausage sampler and over a dozen kinds of mustard from around the world. Stu woulda loved it.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jack the Ripper Walking Tour

So, come to find out, my office is only blocks away from where Jack the Ripper did his dirty work.

So today we did the touristy Jack the Ripper Walking Tour on his 125th anniversary.

A lot of the spots were destroyed in the Blitz, but here are a few that remained in tact.

A back alley where he was spotted.
A park where one victim was found.
And a convent where Mary Kelly spent her last night before meeting Mr. The Ripper.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

St Albans

Well, we had grand plans today. We signed up for Zipcar so we could take short trips and explore in and outside London. We drove out to the ancient Roman city of St Albans, just north west of the city. Because of traffic we got there much later than we wanted. Just enough time to snap a pic of the 15th century clock tower and the cathedral that stands where the martyr St Albans was beheaded in 324AD.

Hyde park

Got our bicycles up and running, so we took them for a lovely day out riding in the city. Rode over to Hyde Park to picnic in the sun.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Notting Hill Carnival

Morgan, Fiona and I went to Carnival in Notting Hill last weekend.  Wow.  Over a million people turned out, it was crazy!

Check out some of the pics from the parade

Just can not seem to rotate this video properly, but you get the picture.