Friday, September 4, 2009

Things I learned about France

For French drivers, "safe breaking distance" is measured in inches.

Bread with every meal is unavoidable.

What bicycles are in Denmark, scooters are in France. Everyone has
one. One diffence was that they pass on the right and left in traffic
on single lane roads. They buzz like gnats around the car.

Paris really might be the most romantic city.

It is possible to live on wine and cheese alone.

Every small town and big city has an abbey or a church or citadell or
castle or cathedral with an amzaing history dating back to the 12th

Cote d'Azure is both as beautiful and as expensive as they say it is.

Mediterranean really is as blue as it is in photos, and yet no photo
does it justice.

The terrain is as varied as it is in California. One minute you are
driving through a lush green valley, then you go over a little mountin
pass and it's dusty and dry. Go over another pass and you see marshes
and smell the sea air.

There is something in the south of France, as yet to be determined,
that does not agree with, nay, is diamtrically opposed to Mo's

"Salut" is how we toasted in France.

- jgt

1 comment:

  1. The French safe breaking distance thingy made me laugh, Jon. Ha ha. There, see? I laughed.

    Seriously, what the bloody hell is wrong with these people? It seems everywhere on the whole bloody planet except Canada and the USA drive like maniacs. Or maybe we are just driving wooses. Wussies? Woosies? Whatever.
